3 Reasons Why You Really Need A Dad
Aundrea Paxton - October 8, 2019
In this candid blog based on her relationship with her own dad, Dr. Aundrea Paxton, Psy. D, breaks down three reasons why everyone needs a dad in their life, whether it is their biological father or another father figure.
"It Takes A Village:" Friendship in Parenting
Emily Pardy - September 24, 2019
We’ve all heard the phrase “It takes a village to raise a child" and it rings just as true today. As soon as you hold that new baby in your arms, you can sense the internal doubt of being able to do it alone.
Dating, Jealousy, & Expectations: 5 Ways To Grow Your Relationship
Hannah Ellenwood - September 10, 2019
"Picture this scenario: You’ve been getting to know a guy and you find yourself spending more time together… As you do, you notice something: There is a girl in his close circle of friends with who he seems to be really close. You trust him, but you wonder what to do because it seems like this could become an issue."
The Never-Ending Argument: How To Settle It
Paul Friesen - August 13, 2019
It is said there are issues that couples will never agree on, ones they will always fight about. Yes, it is true there are issues couples will never agree on. No, they do not always need to fight about them. Yes, couples can manage this tension.
5 Ways My Parents Shaped My Spiritual Life
Lauren Miller - July 30, 2019
“My parents did more than teach me how to walk as a believer and honor Christ in all things; they showed me.”
Sex, Pornography, & Relationship Health Scale
Chris Grace - July 18, 2019
Sexuality as designed by God—within the context of marriage—is joyful, pleasurable and relationship strengthening. It is a gift from God to be enjoyed.
Growing Up Biracial: How I Learned To Embrace Diversity
Jennifer Jones - July 16, 2019
“Our mother married our father during a time when interracial marriage was unacceptable, in 1969, two years after interracial marriage was legalized, and most of her family disowned her.”
What Singles Want Marrieds To Know
Lauren Miller - July 2, 2019
More than sitting across a coffee table and updating you on our life moment to moment, we want to share life with you. We want to be involved in the mundane parts, to learn from your experience, and feel a sense of belonging. These are just a few of the things that we want married couples around us to know.
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