What Should Dating Look Like?
Debra Fileta, Chris Grace, Tim Muehlhoff - August 7, 2019
First dates, love notes, romance, there are so many different approaches to how it should be done. Christians are often told to avoid the hookup culture that is so common today, but beyond that, what should they do?
"Why Hasn't He Asked Me Out?"
Debra Fileta - August 6, 2019
Dear CMR,
I've been getting to know a guy for the last few months and I have done my best to show him I am interested in dating. Why hasn't he asked me out yet? Am I doing something wrong?
Interested In Him
Are You Partnering With The Holy Spirit?
Chris Grace, Tim Muehlhoff - July 24, 2019
"We're talking about gritty, person to person intimacy of two people who know each other better than anyone else on the planet, and they still remain committed and in love with one another."
Dennis Rainey had a vision to help equip engaged and newly married couples around him. He felt the need struggling relationships had for tools and felt God call him to help mentor them. Fast forward 40 years and FamilyLife Conferences have reached hundreds of thousands of couples who want to set a strong foundation for their relationship. We got to talk about how marriage is changing and struggles that many couples find themselves in.
Is There Opposition To Your Relationship?
Tim Muehlhoff - July 17, 2019
As we go about pursuing relationships that honor God, we need to acknowledge there will be opposition to that. Why is that important to recognize?
Growing Up Biracial: How I Learned To Embrace Diversity
Jennifer Jones - July 16, 2019
“Our mother married our father during a time when interracial marriage was unacceptable, in 1969, two years after interracial marriage was legalized, and most of her family disowned her.”
I'm New To Online Dating. Help!
Debra Fileta - July 9, 2019
Dear CMR,
I recently started considering online dating but it feels intimidating. Can you give me any advice that will make it easier to find a person worth getting to know?
Signed, New To This
What Singles Want Marrieds To Know
Lauren Miller - July 2, 2019
More than sitting across a coffee table and updating you on our life moment to moment, we want to share life with you. We want to be involved in the mundane parts, to learn from your experience, and feel a sense of belonging. These are just a few of the things that we want married couples around us to know.
"You'll Just Know When You Meet 'The One'"
Debra Fileta - June 25, 2019
Dear CMR,
I am single. Some of my dating friends recently told me that when I meet “the right person,” I'll just know they are right for me. I've heard that advice before, but is it true?
Signed, Looking for the One
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