Is This Friendship Toxic?
Chris Grace, Tim Muehlhoff - October 16, 2019
Friendships are supposed to be life-giving, but what happens when they are not? What can you look for in friendships that bring the opposite? In this podcast, Dr. Chris Grace and Dr. Tim Muehlhoff discuss how to identify and deal with toxic friendships.
Avoid Conflict and Ruin A Relationship
Chris Grace - October 15, 2019
Dear CMR,
I hate conflict, and any confrontations make me physically stressed out. I usually try to avoid it. However, I know I need to have a talk with someone I love because our conflict is just sitting there and simmering, but I don’t know how to start.
Signed, Conflicted and Stressed
Your Marriage Is On Display!
Chris Grace, Tim Muehlhoff - October 2, 2019
When you haven't had a model for what a healthy relationship looks like, where do you turn? We talk with Mike and Stephanie Anderson as they describe their story. Growing up in a home without a solid model of marriage, Mike had doubts about marriage being worth investing in. Where he learned to appreciate marriage may surprise you!
Am I Ready To Get Married? How Do I Know?
Alisa Grace - October 1, 2019
Dear CMR,
How do you know when you’re ready to get married?
Signed, Almost There
4 Signs Your Relationship Is Under Spiritual Attack
Tim Muehlhoff - September 25, 2019
As Christians, we believe God is actively at work in our world today. We also believe Satan is working against God, to disrupt his plans. Could that battle be showing up in your relationship with your spouse or significant other? How can you tell? This video explains 4 signs to look for.
How Should I Develop My Child's Sense of Self?
Veola Vazquez - September 11, 2019
Our world is growing more and more diverse, some of which include race, ethnicity, and culture. As parents or soon-to-be parents, it will be increasingly important to develop your child's ability to relate to people who are different than they are. How do you do that? The first step is helping your child understand their own identity!
Dating, Jealousy, & Expectations: 5 Ways To Grow Your Relationship
Hannah Ellenwood - September 10, 2019
"Picture this scenario: You’ve been getting to know a guy and you find yourself spending more time together… As you do, you notice something: There is a girl in his close circle of friends with who he seems to be really close. You trust him, but you wonder what to do because it seems like this could become an issue."
We're Terrible At Budgeting! Can You Help?
Rick Bee - September 3, 2019
Dear CMR,
As a married couple, we put together a budget to help us save money, but have a hard time sticking to it. How can we be more disciplined?
Signed, Sucker For Sales
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