Do The Math On Motherhood
Amy Burgess - May 8, 2024
In today's blog, Amy Burgess discusses the years beyond motherhood, encouraging mothers to discover who they are and how they can find their purpose in every season of their lives.
First Fruits and Fumes
Chris Grace, Alisa Grace - May 1, 2024
In this podcast, Dr. Chris and Alisa Grace share practical tips for couples feeling overwhelmed by parenting and life demands. They suggest prioritizing your relationship with the Lord and each other, with actions like greeting your spouse first, scheduling regular date nights, and doing chores together. Together you can learn to nurture stronger relationships amidst busy schedules.
Take T.I.M.E. For Love
Pam Farrel - April 18, 2024
How much time does it take to stay in love for a lifetime? In this week's blog, Pam Farrel shares the secrets to lasting love, where she unveils the essential time investment needed to keep your marriage lively, offering practical tips and heartfelt anecdotes to reignite the flames of passion and connection.
What Can Cross-Cultural Relationships Teach You?
Veola Vazquez - April 3, 2024
Long-term friendships can be difficult to maintain over time but also have the potential to teach us so much. When those friends come from a different culture, those differences can draw you even closer when you explore them together. How do you do that? What should you be aware of?
The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly: What To Do With Personality Tools
Chris Grace, Alisa Grace - March 25, 2024
In this week's episode, CMR Co-Directors Dr. Chris and Alisa Grace discuss how personality impacts our relationships, and offer practical ways we can use personality tools to better understand ourselves and others.
How & When Should I Be Vulnerable?
Aundrea Paxton - March 13, 2024
Being vulnerable is an important part of relationships but that doesn't mean it is easy. How do you know when it is safe to share personal, vulnerable parts of you with someone else? Take a look at this video!
Cultivate Hope Together
Pam Farrel - March 6, 2024
In this week's blog post, Pam Farrel, relationship specialist and bestselling author, gives effective and practical tips to help you build upon the life-changing Biblical hope that will revolutionize your relationship!
Importance of Premarital Counseling and Mentoring
Willa Williams, MA, LMFT, MA in Religion - February 19, 2024
How do you prepare for a healthy, vibrant relationship with your spouse before getting married? In this week's video, Willa Williams explains the significant impact that premarital counseling and mentoring can have on your relationship, and why it's so important to seek out this special training before marriage.
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