The Story of Marriage Mentors
Biola CMR - December 6, 2018
Meet Joey and Theresa, who, after 22 years of marriage, have learned lessons that they not only pass on to couples they mentor but to their own children as well.
My Friend Is Making Bad Decisions!
Jessica Brest - November 27, 2018
Dear CMR,
One of my close friends recently got involved with a friend group that is influencing him in a bad way. My friend is a Christian, but this group has convinced him to participate in things that the Bible clearly states is wrong like having sex before marriage and getting drunk often. I’m worried about my friend, but don’t know how or if I can talk to him about my concerns. How do I have a heart-to-heart with a friend who is going down the wrong path?
Signed, Fearful Friend
Thanksgiving Through The Eyes of Newlyweds
Ben and Nicole Longinow - November 20, 2018
We pray that what we have learned in our first year of marriage may be encouraging to you whether you’ve been married for fifty years or you’re not in a relationship at all.
Reconciling After A Fight: How Do I Do That?
Tim Muehlhoff - November 13, 2018
Dear CMR,
This is a two-part question: My friend and I got into an interesting discussion the other day about Halloween and whether Christians should engage or not. Things got heated and we ended angry with each other and frustrated at the conversation. First, can you give some advice on how we might reconcile after the blowup? Second, can you share thoughts about Halloween and how Christians should or should not engage?
Signed, Slightly Spooked.
Reconciling on Halloween: What Should We Do?
Tim Muehlhoff - October 30, 2018
Dear CMR,
This is a two-part question: My friend and I got into an interesting discussion the other day about Halloween and whether Christians should engage or not. Things got heated and we ended angry with each other and frustrated at the conversation. First, can you give some advice on how we might reconcile after the blowup? Second, can you share thoughts about Halloween and how Christians should or should not engage?
Signed, Slightly Spooked.
Parenthood: Surviving the First Six Weeks
Emily Pardy - October 23, 2018
You’ve taken the childbirth classes. You’ve read all the books. You’ve heard your friends’ stories and your family’s unsolicited advice. Finally, after a long nine months, you meet your bundle of joy. Now what?
He Doesn't Believe. What Do I Do?
Alisa Grace - October 16, 2018
Dear CMR,
I met at church and I really like. He recently told me he believes God gave His Word to some people, but that other people also added their opinions to the Bible, so it’s not like the Bible is actually God’s Word. Am I overthinking this or should this be a red flag as I consider whether or not to date him?
Disappointed and Unsure
For Husbands Only: Why Do I Need To Listen To My Wife's Feelings?
Chris Grace - October 9, 2018
Dr. Chris Grace breaks down the importance of emotional awareness and intelligence within marriage.
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