Riding the Academic Roller Coaster? Harness Your Student with Prayer.
Lynnaea Martin - August 25, 2020
As schools across the country open their (virtual) doors this week, students and parents alike are buckling up for the 2020 fall semester roller coaster. Is there a cure for this "commotion sickness"?
How to Make Anger Your Ally
Alison Cook - August 11, 2020
Nothing can improve your relationship more than learning how to control anger outbursts. For example, do you find yourself losing your temper with your loved ones? Do you yell at your kids more often than you’d like to admit? Or, do you get resentful towards your spouse and lash out with sarcastic remarks? You might even be swearing to high-heaven inside your mind— muttering words under your breath you’d never say aloud.
Does Your Marriage Need a Good Workout?
Don & Alex Flecky - July 28, 2020
Guest authors Don and Alex Flecky explore eight practical ways to keep your relationship in shape.
How to Trust God in the Midst of Transition
Susan Yates - July 14, 2020
Have you ever experienced a major life transition? Transition can be awkward, exciting, and sometimes heartbreaking. The question is not if you will experience transition in your life, but where you will run when you do.
What If My Spouse Doesn't Want to Tithe?
Colby and Christine Gilmore - June 17, 2020
"Dear CMR, my wife and I recently got married and are working on a family budget. I think it's important to budget in our tithe, but she didn't grow up doing that and isn't really on board. I'm having a hard time explaining why it's important. Can you help?"
Three Practical Steps to Instill Cultural Awareness and Sensitivity
Jennifer Jones - June 3, 2020
"Systematic narratives can only be changed if we each, in our own communities, have the conversations. That starts in our homes." Marriage and Family Therapist Jennifer Jones shares her experience growing up biracial and how she learned to embrace diversity. In light of this week's events, today's blog post is a re-published article from last year.
When Your Spouse's Attitude Stinks
Amber Lia - May 27, 2020
What should you do when your spouse's attitude stinks? In today's blog, author Amber Lia reminds us that in order to be blessed we must first be a blessing.
Mother's Day - Reinvented
Lynnaea Martin - May 8, 2020
What are your plans for Mother's Day? This question, usually simple to answer, may evoke feelings of sadness, grief, and loss for some, particularly this year. How are we supposed to make this day special when celebrations everywhere have been put on pause? Although circumstances demand us to reinvent how we spend our time together (or apart) this Mother's day, we can bask in the lavish gifts that God bestows on his children in every circumstance.
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