Are You Too Busy to Connect?
Alisa Grace - January 18, 2022
With such busy schedules, where's the time to connect with your loved ones? In today's blog, Alisa Grace provides practical ways to create more time spent together as well as fun and creative ways to enjoy each other's company.
Rolling in the Deep: Adele and the Argument from Desire
Tim Muehlhoff - January 4, 2022
In today's blog, Dr. Tim Muehlhoff discusses pop culture and its influence on the reality of the human desire to want more and encourages Christians to set their desires toward God.
A Different Kind of New Year's Resolution
Willa Williams, MA, LMFT, MA in Religion - December 28, 2021
In this blog post, Willa Williams encourages you to consider making a New Year's resolution to be kinder to people around you, while explaining the difference between kindness and niceness.
The Greatest Christmas Gift of all...And it's Not What You Think
Alisa Grace - December 21, 2021
Is there a certain thing your spouse does that drives you crazy? No matter how "perfect" a relationship appears, the answer is most likely yes. In today's blog, Alisa Grace shares a personal story about how God changed her perspective using an old blue chair.
Make the Most of Your Last Holiday as a Student
Kayla Santos - December 14, 2021
There is something special about getting together with your friends to hang Christmas decorations in your dorm or apartment. For most graduating seniors, this is the last time they'll be able to enjoy the holiday season in true student fashion. How can they make the most of it?
What to do When All is NOT Calm
Chris Grace - November 29, 2021
Celebrating the holidays with family can be a joyful time, but sometimes we experience unmet expectations, irritation, and bitterness in spite of the holiday season. So, how do we find that happy place where “all is calm, all is bright”? In today's blog, Dr. Chris Grace shares three steps you can take to make the most of the holiday seasons in every circumstance.
What Does an Attitude of Gratitude Look Like?
Alisa Grace - November 23, 2021
The holidays look different for everyone, and being around family may actually be difficult for some. In today's blog, Alisa Grace guides readers through a self-reflection exercise to prepare for this holiday season.
How to Avoid Back to School Burnout
Hannah Edwards - November 16, 2021
Being back at school is both exciting and exhausting. As we dive back into activities and school, we can often feel tired, unmotivated, or overwhelmed. This week's blog shares three helpful tips to battle these seasons of exhaustion and burnout.
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