Ask the Expert
How to Affair-Proof Your Marriage (and it's not what you think)
Alisa Grace - March 19, 2025
Many parents find that after having children, their marriage slowly takes a backseat. The once-strong connection between husband and wife is replaced by endless to-do lists, school activities, and bedtime routines. Before they know it, their relationship feels more like a business partnership than a loving marriage.
But what if the very thing you thought was making you a great parent is actually putting your marriage at risk? Could your children—without even meaning to—be coming between you and your spouse?
If you’ve ever felt like you and your spouse have lost your connection, you’re not alone. The good news? There’s a way to bring back the “us” in your marriage—without neglecting your kids. Continue reading to discover how to protect your relationship and avoid one of the biggest threats to modern marriages.
Ask the Expert: Leaving, Cleaving, and Letting Go?
Willa Williams, MA, LMFT, MA in Religion - February 19, 2025
In this blog, Willa Williams answers a thought-provoking question: Does leaving and cleaving include letting go of expectations we’ve picked up from our family of origin?
Our families shape so much of who we are—our values, beliefs, and even the way we expect relationships to function. But when we get married, those ingrained expectations don’t always align with our spouse’s background. So, what does leaving and cleaving really mean in this context?
Willa unpacks how our family upbringing influences us and why many marital conflicts stem from stylistic differences rather than right or wrong choices. She shares insights on how couples can navigate these differences in a way that strengthens their relationship rather than causing division.
Ask the Expert: We can’t agree about our teen dating.
Alisa Grace - January 8, 2025
The question "How do you come to an agreement on your teenager's dating when you and your spouse grew up so differently?" is addressed by Alisa Grace with four thoughtful steps. She emphasizes starting with prayer for wisdom and unity, listening to understand each other’s perspectives without judgment, and working together as a team to brainstorm and implement solutions. By fostering open communication and mutual respect, parents can align their approaches and create a unified plan for navigating their teenager’s dating journey.
Why is My Friend Pushing Me Away?
Willa Williams, MA, LMFT, MA in Religion - June 7, 2023
Dear CMR,
What do I do when a good friend is hurting but pushes me away when I try to be there for them?
Signed, Angry and Concerned
Ask the Expert
Alisa Grace - May 11, 2023
Unsure you can trust them? In today's Ask the Expert CMR Co-director Alisa Grace addresses the issue of mistrust and offers a practical formula to answer the question: "How can a spouse support another spouse that struggles with trust issues?"
Dealing with Difficult In-laws?
Willa Williams, MA, LMFT, MA in Religion - February 1, 2022
Dear CMR:
My in-laws are having a hard time cutting the cord when it comes to my wife. They try to get involved in everything we do and it's causing us conflict. We're considering seeing a marriage counselor, but do you think her parents should be included in the marriage counseling?
Signed, Too Many Cooks In The Kitchen
How Can I Support A Friend Who Is Depressed?
Chris Grace - January 10, 2022
Dear CMR:
My roommate struggles with depression, and she is often discouraged about the things going on in her life. I am thankful that I can be her friend; it seems like not many others know or understand what she's going through. What should I do?
A Friend
Is It Okay If My Only Friend Is My Boyfriend?
Aubrey Martin - October 26, 2021
Dear CMR,
My boyfriend and I are struggling to manage balancing time together while still maintaining our friendships with others. Is it important to maintain those friendships? If so, why?
Attached at the Hip
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