Ask the Expert
"They Are Still Upset At Me!"
Tim Muehlhoff - August 3, 2021
Dear CMR,
With post-argument conflict, what do you do if one spouse is ready to resolve things and the other is still upset and doesn't want to make amends just yet?
Signed, Wanting To Make-Up
Thinking About Getting Engaged?
Chris Grace - April 13, 2021
Dear CMR:
What are some specific questions that my girlfriend and I should talk about to see if we should get married?
Ready to Get Hitched?
Is There Forgiveness After Sex Before Marriage?
Veola Vazquez - March 30, 2021
Dear CMR,
Will God forgive me if I have had sex before marriage?
Signed, Sorry and Afraid
How to Break Up With Someone Respectfully
Debra Fileta - February 23, 2021
Dear CMR,
How do you call it quits after you’ve been going out a few times, but you don’t want to continue the relationship?
I’m Out
How Do I Support My Child When We Don't Agree?
Willa Williams, MA, LMFT, MA in Religion - February 9, 2021
Dear CMR,
We've always taught our 17-yr-old son to stand up/speak up for what is right and don't be a silent by-stander when wrong happens. However, some of his values are changing and don't necessarily reflect the values we taught him growing up. Now he's getting bullied at school because of his outspoken views, which he truly feels passionately about. We love his passion and willingness to stand up for what he believes is right, but how can we as parents be supportive and help him when we don't agree with him?
Unsure How to Be Supportive
How Do I Find Safe Relationships?
Alison Cook - January 19, 2021
Dear CMR,
I've been dating my boyfriend for four months now and think he might be abusive. I was sitting in your Christian Perspectives class and as you described the details of abusive relationships, I realized that I am in one. How could this happen to me without realizing it? I know I need to break up with him, but I'm scared. If I could fall for someone that is abusive once, could I do it again? How do I know if someone is safe before it's too late?
Scared to Open Up Again
Should I Turn the Other Cheek?
Alison Cook - December 2, 2020
Dear CMR,
"Recently, I've had to deal with an individual that is difficult, manipulative, and often downright mean. This relationship can be agonizing at times, but shouldn't I turn the other cheek? Isn't that how we're supposed to deal with challenging people?"
Turning the Other Cheek
Dating and Long Distance Burnout
Alisa Grace - November 17, 2020
Dear CMR,
My boyfriend and I started dating in February before quarantine. It was lots of fun, so we started doing long distance when COVID hit. We’ve been doing long distance a while now, but he says he's lost energy for the relationship and isn't sure if he wants to continue. Right now we're on a break so we can take a breather, pray about it and think it through. Do you have any advice about “relational burn out” or if this might be a point where we call it off?
Long Distance Burnout
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