Ask the Expert
Spiritual Warfare In Relationships? What Is That?
Tim Muehlhoff - September 18, 2018
Dear CMR,
My wife and I have been enjoying our marriage but occasionally find ourselves in arguments or feeling divided for unexplained reasons. Some friends have suggested praying against spiritual oppression. That sounds scary. Can you add some input?"
Signed, Spiritually Wary
Help! I Feel Abandoned In My Own Marriage!
Chris Grace - September 4, 2018
Dear CMR,
My husband and I have been married for 30+ years. He suffers from depression and takes medication. Here is my question: We have not been intimate in 5 years, and while he pursues going to the doctor for his physical and mental health, he does not pursue finding out why he has no desire for sex or intimacy. What can I do? I feel abandoned.
Signed, Feeling Abandoned
We Are Already Married! Why Go To Marriage Counseling?
Willa Williams - August 21, 2018
Dear CMR,
My wife and I have been happily married for four years now and have been encouraged to attend marriage retreats or counseling. We don't have any big issues going on, so what is the point of going to counseling or on a retreat?
Happy Husband
Are They Emotionally Dependent? Are You?
Aundrea Paxton - August 7, 2018
Dear CMR,
How do I recognize emotional dependency? I am curious where the ine is drawn from depending on someone for support and where that goes too far. How do I deal with someone who might be emotionally dependent?
Signed, Lean On Me
How Do I Recognize Manipulation in Relationships?
Willa Williams - July 24, 2018
Dear CMR,
"I am in friendships that I am worried might be manipulative. What are some ways that I can recognize manipulation within friendships or relationships?"
Curious and Questioning
10 Easy and Thoughtful Quarantine Date Night Ideas
Debra Fileta - July 10, 2018
Dear CMR:
I have been trying to think of dates that I can set up with my wife that will help us connect with each on a deeper level. It can be hard to schedule that into our routine with kids and other things making life busy. Can you help me with some ideas?
SignThe Busy Romantic
7 Ways to Regain Confidence After a Divorce
Chris Grace - June 19, 2018
In this article, Dr. Chris Grace shares seven points on how to begin to build confidence in yourself, relationships, and life in general.
Dating After Divorced: What Do I Do?
Veola Vazquez - June 12, 2018
Dear CMR,
How do I date someone who has been hurt by a previous marriage? What should I be aware of? How should I encourage them in our relationship?
Signed, Dating After Divorce
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