Understanding Bids for Connection
Alisa Grace - May 23, 2023
It really is the little things! In today's video, CMR Co-Director Alisa Grace explains the importance of understanding and interacting with bids for connection and offers tips for using bids to maintain emotional intimacy.
Are Your Emotions Controlling You?
The Art of Relationships Podcast - May 17, 2023
Do you feel like your emotions control you or do you control your emotions? Emotions are complex and sometimes difficult to identify. But your emotions are important to building any intimate and healthy relationship. In today's episode, Dr. Chris and Alisa Grace talk through the need for identifying, labeling and understanding your emotions.
Ask the Expert
Alisa Grace - May 11, 2023
Unsure you can trust them? In today's Ask the Expert CMR Co-director Alisa Grace addresses the issue of mistrust and offers a practical formula to answer the question: "How can a spouse support another spouse that struggles with trust issues?"
When Romance Meets Reality
Marilette Sanchez - May 10, 2023
We are constantly fed ideals and images of what our lives should look like. Popular (and even Christian) culture has romanticized what it looks like when two become one. In today's blog, FamilyLife marriage and family advocate, wife, mother of five, and writer, Marilette Sanchez addresses this disillusionment and shares her story of navigating when romance meets reality.
You Asked, We Answered
The Art of Relationships Podcast - May 3, 2023
Trouble navigating boundaries once you're in a relationship? In this week's podcast, Dr. Chris and Alisa Grace answer your questions about relationships! From confronting self-esteem and setting boundaries, to defining the relationship after you already started dating, this week's podcast is full of wisdom for relationships in all stages!
Taking a Break During Conflict
Alisa Grace - April 26, 2023
The best way to resolve a heated conflict is to take a break! Pause the conversation and find ways to take your mind off of the dispute. In today's video, Alisa Grace, co-director of the Center for Marriage and Relationships, shares three important steps when taking this break.
Porn and Relationships: When Are Sexual Struggles A Deal Breaker?
Debra Fileta - March 21, 2023
Porn is more accessible than ever and is causing immense harm to couple's relationships. It is increasingly difficult for those in relationships to know when their partner's porn use is a deal breaker. Debra addresses this topic, and points her readers to some key things to look for.
Not If, But When: Navigating Grief with Gary Thomas
The Art of Relationships Podcast - March 15, 2023
In today's podcast, author Gary Thomas joins Dr. Chris and Alisa Grace to share how a married couple can handle grief when it threatens to tear apart their respect for each other, their sexual intimacy, and their involvement in community. Gary offers three crucial things all couples should do to prepare for a crisis.
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