What I Wish I Knew Before Getting Engaged with Tatum Munivez
Chris Grace, Tatum Munivez - February 26, 2025
In this episode, Chris Grace and guest co-host Tatum Munivez explore key questions to ask before getting engaged. They discuss essential relationship considerations, including compatibility, handling conflict, emotional safety, and recognizing red and green flags. Through personal insights and real-life examples, they provide practical wisdom to help you navigate the engagement decision with confidence.
Whether you're dating seriously or thinking about the next step, this episode offers valuable advice to build a strong foundation for marriage.
Cultivate Hope Together
Pam Farrel - March 6, 2024
In this week's blog post, Pam Farrel, relationship specialist and bestselling author, gives effective and practical tips to help you build upon the life-changing Biblical hope that will revolutionize your relationship!
Importance of Premarital Counseling and Mentoring
Willa Williams, MA, LMFT, MA in Religion - February 19, 2024
How do you prepare for a healthy, vibrant relationship with your spouse before getting married? In this week's video, Willa Williams explains the significant impact that premarital counseling and mentoring can have on your relationship, and why it's so important to seek out this special training before marriage.
10 Steps To Take When A Good Relationship Starts To Go Bad
Chris Grace - February 7, 2024
Read Dr. Chris Grace's blog to discover three key differences between healthy and unhealthy relationships, and 10 things you can do when a good relationship starts to go bad.
When Romance Meets Reality
Marilette Sanchez - May 10, 2023
We are constantly fed ideals and images of what our lives should look like. Popular (and even Christian) culture has romanticized what it looks like when two become one. In today's blog, FamilyLife marriage and family advocate, wife, mother of five, and writer, Marilette Sanchez addresses this disillusionment and shares her story of navigating when romance meets reality.
Sensitive Relationship Topics: Jealousy, Engagement, Intimacy
The Art of Relationships Podcast - August 2, 2022
How do you deal with jealousy when your partner has best friends of the opposite sex?
How do you know when you’re ready to move from dating to engagement?
If you're getting too intimate in your relationship, how do you stop?
These questions and more are addressed in today's podcast when Dr. Chris and Alisa Grace dive deep into topics of jealousy and insecurity, maturity for advancing relationships, and crossing boundaries in relationships. Their supportive insight guides couples to push aside their physical intmacy and keep God at the center of their relationship.
I Had No Ring By Spring, But I Met My Husband In The Most Unexpected Place
Debra Fileta - May 3, 2022
No ring by spring? Not to worry. In today's blog, author Debra Fileta describes how to cope when life doesn't go according to our own plans, and how we can take comfort that God's plan is perfectly lined up and 1000 times more creative than what we could plan ourselves.
Thinking About Getting Engaged?
Chris Grace - April 13, 2021
Dear CMR:
What are some specific questions that my girlfriend and I should talk about to see if we should get married?
Ready to Get Hitched?
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