How to Create Emotional Intimacy
The Art of Relationships Podcast - October 7, 2021
What is emotional intimacy and how do we create it? Emotional intimacy is the confidence that one can be emotionally vulnerable and still find acceptance, understanding, and support. In today's episode, Dr. Chris and Alisa Grace share four key components of emotional intimacy: safety, longevity, affection, and communication.
Reclaiming the Power of Your Words
Tim Muehlhoff - October 5, 2021
Do you know the weight of your words? Words have the power to build someone up and tear someone down. How do you reclaim that power? In today's blog, Dr. Tim Muehlhoff explains how words can deeply impact people.
Why Money Makes Us Emotional
Chris Grace - September 28, 2021
How do you react to conversations about money? Do you run and hide from this difficult topic? In today's blog, Dr. Chris Grace reveals that arguments about money are often fueled by deeper feelings, and shares how to have conversations about money that are healthy, insightful, and bring you closer together!
How to Guard Your Heart
The Art of Relationships Podcast - September 22, 2021
How do you safely open up to someone without crossing emotional boundaries? In today's podcast, Dr. Chris and Alisa Grace discuss the value of setting emotional boundaries in any relationship, giving practical examples of how that might look in your life.
How Do We Have Productive Conflict In Relationships?
Chris Grace - September 1, 2021
How often does conflict show up in your relationship? How often does that conflict end in a way that is helpful and affirming to you? Is that even possible? Dr. Chris Grace provides insight on how to grow as a couple through the way you engage in conflict.
Relationship Advice For Singles
Debra Fileta - August 17, 2021
Are you single and ready to mingle? In today's blog, Licensed Professional Counselor Debra Fileta talks about relationship advice for singles and offers practical steps for dating.
"I Just Won't Tell Them": Keeping Secrets In A Relationship
Willa Williams, MA, LMFT, MA in Religion - August 10, 2021
Sometimes we have secrets from our past that we may not want others to know. We have all done things or made mistakes of which we are not proud and don't come to light. What do we do with those secrets when we are in a relationship?
Learning to Forgive Others (and Yourself)
Chris Grace - August 4, 2021
Have you been struggling to forgive? How can you forgive yourself, or the ones who hurt you the most? In today's video, Dr. Chris Grace shares what it means to forgive, and the critical steps you need to take towards forgiveness.
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