Understanding Your Spiritual Temperament With Gary Thomas
The Art of Relationships Podcast - March 1, 2023
In today's podcast Dr. Chris and Alisa Grace are joined by award winning author and speaker, Gary Thomas, to discuss spiritual temperaments for connecting with God. Listen to learn how understanding your temperament and the temperament of those you love can increase intimacy in all your relationships.
Digital Dates
Chris Grace - February 8, 2023
Is social media damaging your relationship? In today's video, Dr. Chris Grace adresses the issue of social media causing jealousy, uncertainty, and snooping within relationships.
We Are Always Fighting Over Our Finances
The Art of Relationships Podcast - February 1, 2023
In today's podcast, private wealth advisor, Colby Gilmore, asks Dr. Chris Grace and Alisa Grace for guidance for couple's fighting over their finances.
Fight Right for Your Relationships
Chris Grace - January 11, 2023
Can conflict really be constructive in your realtionship? In today's video, Dr. Chris Grace addresses the ways working through conflict can help build intimacy in your relationship and offers a Christlike model to guide you through healthy conflict.
12 Days of Christmas Love Challenge
Debra Fileta - December 14, 2022
There are lots of ways to say “I love you” during the holidays, aren’t there? But truly, Christmas is the greatest “I love you” all. It’s the ferocious “I love you” from the throne of heaven, because it’s about a God who became man just to show us His love in a tangible way. In today's blog, Debra Fileta offers 12 days of practical ways to "say I love you without words."
Setting the Tone at the Holiday Table
Sarah Do - November 29, 2022
In today's video, staff counselor Sarah Do offers tips for setting the tone of conversation around the table and emphasizes the need for grace.
What First Attracted You to Them?
Chris Grace - October 31, 2022
Remember the first date butterflies? Wondering why you don't feel them as often now? In today's video, Dr. Grace shares the importance of beginnings and how reflecting on them fondly can help prevent isolation down the road. He offers tips for fighting self-isolation and the importance of viewing one another as God's workmanship.
Remember When?
The Art of Relationships Podcast - September 13, 2022
Remember when you had your first date?
Scripture is full of commands to remember, because God knows our hearts and wants to build intimacy with us through remembrance. The same is true of our earthly relationships. Reminiscing Scripture is full of commands to remember because God knows our hearts and wants to build intimacy with us through remembering. The same is true of our earthly relationships. Reminiscing over memories with fondness can actually strengthen our relationships!
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