"You'll Just Know When You Meet 'The One'"
Debra Fileta - June 25, 2019
Dear CMR,
I am single. Some of my dating friends recently told me that when I meet “the right person,” I'll just know they are right for me. I've heard that advice before, but is it true?
Signed, Looking for the One
Saying Goodbye To FOMO and Envy
Dorothy Littell Greco - June 18, 2019
Social media can bring a lot of relational issues with it when it is a consistent part of our lives. While it connects us to the lives of people around us, it also can bring envy and fear of missing out (FOMO) over what is happening to others.
CMR's Freeway Series: Angels v. Dodgers Pt.2
Chris Grace, Tim Muehlhoff - June 12, 2019
"So, if my son has a bad game am I just going to go throttle on him and lay on more after the game. That's not what he needs to hear. He kind of needs to hear the 'I love you no matter what.' That's important to show like 'I love you when you do well' and 'I love you when you do bad' because my love is not indicative of your results. That is really important for a child to hear that. Like, 'I love you no matter what, okay?'
Tune in as we continue the conversation with the Angels and Dodgers chaplains as they discuss how to parent their own kids in the midst of a performance-driven culture. -
Should You Date Just To Date?
Tim Muehlhoff - June 5, 2019
Should a person ever date just to learn how to date? Dr. Tim Muehlhoff examines the idea of casual dating and why simply learning how to do it well can benefit you.
Dictator, Boss, Coach, Consultant: Which Parent Are You?
Willa Williams - June 4, 2019
Many questions can circulate as parents try to find ways to train and shape their children. These four roles of Dictator, Boss, Coach and Consultant offer a framework to use.
CMR's Freeway Series: Angels vs. Dodgers Pt. I
Chris Grace, Tim Muehlhoff - May 29, 2019
When you think "baseball", does your mind show you images of the World Series, home runs, hot dogs, loaded bases, and mascots? What about the personal side of a baseball team? Where do they get emotional and spiritual support? In today's podcast, the LA Dodgers chaplain Brandon Cash and LA Angels chaplain Jack Grogger take us inside the innings as we kickstart our new Freeway Series!
How Does A Working Mom Do It?
Jennifer Jones - May 28, 2019
"Dear CMR,
As a working mom and wife, I find it hard to balance time with my kids, my husband, and all of the things on my plate. How should I prioritize my time?"
Get To Know Yourself First!
Chris Grace - May 22, 2019
Are the two of you compatible? Will this person be a good fit for you? We are often asked this question and our advice is simple: get to know yourself first. Rather than asking about the other person, it is important to know yourself well first. Learn why that is the case!
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